Monday 29 April 2019

Orville vs Discovery?

Orville tends to get better press than Discovery, but this is a mixed one for me. Orville is great if you want a 15 certificate Next Generation tribute. But offers nothing new in terms of innovation. Good fun and that's all.

Discovery is visually and plot-wise the superior show. Discovery's weakness is simply over emphasis of main lady. Less in season 2 but still about 80% too much.

Star Trek Discovery - modern women cliche?

Star Trek Discovery could be good... except for Michael Burnham; the female lead. Instead of being a strong female character, she's a cliche of the worst traits of modern women.

Despite the fact that there are billions of beings in the Star Trek universe, everything revolves around Burnham. Oh, come on! How tedious. Burnham implicates herself in everything. It's all about her. And the writers of the show facilitate this delusion.