Saturday, 22 June 2013


I prefer the grassland surrounding a house to be a meadow.

This has many excellent virtues:
  1. Natural
  2. Uncontrived
  3. Aesthetically pleasing
  4. Low maintenance
  5. Encourages wild flowers & wildlife
  6. Eco friendly

Thursday, 20 June 2013


I saw that a martial arts club had called itself wabi-sabi.
Whilst the club may or not be good, their choice of name is not auspicious.

To quote Master Waller's website:

Wabi sabi is the love of the transient, the impermanent.
Our lives are fleeting, and we suffer greatly, either through ill health or other hardships.
This may cause sadness but the beauty of life can only be appreciated in contrast with the difficulties and sorrow we experience.
The symbol for the samurai is the cherry blossom. It is a beautiful flower. Yet it falls at its peak of glory.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Every woman in The Big Sleep is well turned out

I love the scene in the bookshop where Bogart calls the saleswoman "Pal".

I wonder if all women dressed their best in 1946 or is this just Hollywood?

Sunday, 16 June 2013

My jian

A pleasant surprise


Many people mow their lawn fanatically; culminating in a golf course effect.
These green patches of green can be seen throughout England.
But what purpose do they serve?
I'm really not all that sure.

Friday, 14 June 2013

My husband

Mean spirited

During an interview on the Police Squad DVD Leslie Neilson spoke about how they sought to avoid being mean spirited during the production of the show.

Neilson went further; adding that he personally aimed to avoid being mean spirited in his daily life.