Friday, 19 September 2014

Customer service?

Customer service in the UK seems to have adopted a policy of trying to break the customer.
Rather than address concerns in a professional, measured manner, many companies have opted for endless Q & A options on their websites, with seldom any useful answers to be had.

If you make it through to the stage of actually telephoning, this is not the end. It is an early stage in the process, designed to provide false hope as you enter elevator music purgatory interrupted with facile reminders of how important you are to the company.

25 minutes on hold may not break you, so the company seeks to finish the job by employing untrained members of the public randomly pulled off the street and invited to answer the phone for less than minimum wages.

All this in the hope that you'll just accept bad service and continue trading with them? Answer with your feet. If complaining is discouraged, go elsewhere.

11. don’t make lists on how to be creative