Friday, 27 December 2019

Favreau or Abrams?

I compared the 2 recent Star Wars producers/directors: Jon Favreau and JJ Abrams on Wikipedia.

They're the same age.
Abrams dies his hair. Favreau does not.
Abrams was the son of TV producers (hence his TV/movie connections and opportunities).
Favreau was the son of an elementary school teacher and a Special Education teacher and had no TV/movie connections.

It is interesting to compare the quality/nature of their contributions.
Abrams is slick, empty and facile whereas Favreau has heart.

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Netflix's Lost in Space (season 2)

Netflix's Lost in Space (season 2) was more enjoyable than season 1 but did have a SERIOUS continuity error...

Halfway through the season Daddy Robinson gets arrested for sneaking in to hear a Top Secret transmission of an approaching alien armada...

This approaching armada is then never mentioned again all season.

At the end of the season a totally different alien armada approaches from 4 nearby planets...


Image result for lost in space season 2 scarecrow

Jon Favreau: The Saviour of Star Wars

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling